
#14 Politics and Reflections

If you were working for the UN, which job would like to do using your English abilities? Why?

I want to use my English abilities as a interpreter.
By a interpreter, many people from diffrent countries can comunicate, discuss, know each other and so on.
However, if I do, I need much more skills.
But, in this term, I take interpretation classes.
I think that working as a interpreter is diffcult but is a rewarding job.
If I were working for the UN, I study hard and grow in my ability.
So, this is one of my longed-for job.

4 件のコメント:

  1. I also don't have much English skill.
    But I think you can get good skill if you study hard from now.

  2. hi pino!
    thre is no work which is not difficult, hard or something like that, isn't it? but if it is work you like, you would not mind that, i think..

  3. Your dream is very good!!
    I think interpreter is very difficult job.
    Especially, in UN is used various word and expression.

  4. Hi!
    Your idea is wonderful!!
    It is very difficult job,but you can do it!!
