

① How do you greet members of your family? (mother, father, older brother, younger brother, grandparents, etc.)

◆In the morning,I usually greet "Ohayou gozaimasu(おはようございます)other, father.
 However, I sometimes say "Ohayou(おはよう)" to them.
 And, I say it to my young sisiter.

◆When I leave home, I say "Ittekimasu(いってきます)" to my family,
and they say "Itterasshai(いってらっしゃい)" to me.

◆When I get home, I say "Tadaima(ただいま)" to my family,
and they say "Okaeri(おかえり)" or "Okaerinasai(おかえりなさい)".

◆Before we go to bed, we each say "Oyasumi(おやすみ)" or "Oyasuminasai(おやすみなさい)".

② How do you greet people that are important in society?

◆I think that they may be bow at first.

◆They usually have a polite tongue.

③ Do you greet people from the opposite sex in a different way?

◆I greet almost same way the same sex and the opposite sex.

◆However, I do not do familiar with the latter than the former,

because the same sex is intimater than the opposite sex.

④ Do you hug anyone? If yes, who and when. If no, why not?


I do not hate hug, but it is not custom.

3 件のコメント:

  1. Good evening!
    I don't say "ohayougozaimasu" "okaerinasai" "oyasuminasai" to my family because they are polite phrase.
    Instead, I say "ohayou" "okaeri" "oyasumi."
    How do you think about saying polite phrase to your family?

  2. *To anpanman
    I also say "ohayou" "okaeri" "oyasumi."
    I think it depens on my feelings whether I say polite phrase or not.

  3. Hi! Pino☆
    I think it is very important for us to greet in my life.
    I sometimes hug my friends when we happen to happy things. So, you try to hug your friends.
